Bitter Sweet Poem

dark chocolate bitter sweet

the moments were sweet
yet time betrayed their bitterness

a farewell of bitter emptiness
and the memories, sweetest ever

every lesson was sweet
the test is deceptively bitter

lyrics of sweetness i heard
why then did the song sound bitter?

sweet verses written in your name
bitterly every poem i read, re-read

the heartbreak so bitter
though envy never felt sweeter

bitter are the 20s
sweet! were the 90s
(& 80s)


Inspiration: Bitter-Sweet Symphony, please listen with your headphones. Listening to this makes me feel so lucky I grew up with the 80s & 90s music.

Image by Alexander Stein from Pixabay 



7 thoughts on “Bitter Sweet Poem

  1. Dear Sonya,

    Thank you for creating and sharing this wonderful poem and this lovely music. Your poem reminds us of the sweet bitterness of life, namely that all passes away save what is imperishable.

    All good wishes,


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