My First Poem

The Listener

Break time
School playground
Peals of laughter, screams
Running, jumping
Somersaults in the sandpit

She lingered around the play area
Dreamy smile on her cherubic face
Gently kissed by short curls
A longing in her eyes
Hesitant desire in her heart

Held back
By blurred emotions
By physical impairment
Yet undeniable

Children self-absorbed
Teachers gossiping, sipping tea
Oblivious of the little girl
At the edge of the playground

Back to class
Resigned to the rest of the day…..


3 0’clock!
Children scramble out
In all directions

The little girl
Sits on a wooden bench
Skinny legs dangling
Weighed down by heavy shoes
A necessity to set right

Picturing the goodies she will eat
Stomach growling slightly

Patiently waiting
Knowing she will be delayed
As always

All at once
Her name is called
She looks up expectantly
An unmistakable smile

She walks as fast as she can
Running, almost
Dragging her over-sized bag

‘Salam my angel
How was your day?’
The little girl recounts
With much enthusiasm
How she skipped, ran, jumped…..

A sad, knowing smile from mum
A warm life-giving embrace
Finally she belongs

A surge of confidence

To be the queen of the house
Heartily laugh without reservations
Throw some tantrums even

For a few hours

Before she returns
To take her place
As the Observer
The Listener…


It has been 7 years since I wrote my first poem, which I am re-posting.

I really wanted to share the story of my younger daughter Samia (then aged 4), the enthusiasm and determination she displayed while facing every battle with a beautiful smile. It was this burning desire of mine that made me do the unthinkable…to write a poem. Really, if I had stopped to think I would have laughed at myself and never ever written poetry.

Today after 4 1/2 years of actively writing, I have more than 400 poems posted and many yet to share.

Sometimes, you just got to do what you feel without too much thought.

Do not force your children to behave like you, for surely they have been created for a time which is different to your time.
~ Imam Ali

When a child enters your life, it is time to learn. It is not time to teach.
~ Sadhguru

23 thoughts on “My First Poem

  1. I can understand children being self-absorbed, because they hadn’t yet learned to appreciate another child who needs their attention. What bothers me most is that teachers would find time to gossip and ignore the little one who could use some love.
    I have taught for years and paid more attention to little ones who couldn’t quite get used to the unfamiliar surrounding and needed help from a grown up.
    Your poem and the explanation tells a sad story of professionals who forget their job.
    It’s a very nice post, Sonya. I hope your daughter is doing well under your guidance.


    1. You have made a very thoughtful observation, coming from a teacher’s point of view. It is difficult to find teachers who care all round for the child’s well being. But I am happy to have found a few gems along the way :)

      Samia is doing very well, thank you Ranu.


  2. Dear Sonya,

    All the words of this post, the poem, the picture, and your concluding remarks all together comprise a very beautiful piece of art. This is a beautiful post.

    I like a lot the feelings you create with your words. They are universal.

    It’s very good that you wrote this first poem, and continued to write hundreds of poems. The world is a more beautiful place because of it. If there is one thing we can do for others, it’s to create a more beautiful world before our brief spark-of-a-moment life finishes. And this you do!

    All good wishes,



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