
Earlier this year I made it into the lists of 10 Contemporary Poets in Sub-Saharan Africa and 20 promising contemporary Kenyan Poets redefining the art form . Needless to mention, I was in the esteemed company of some seriously talented poets. After much contemplation, I decided to share this recognition with you all who read my work, and greatly encourage and support me. Such a beautiful journey and I am proud that I have grown in very unexpected ways. Delighted!

17 thoughts on “Recognition

  1. Dear Sonya,

    Congratulations on these honors! :)

    You are indeed an exceptionally gifted poet & artist.

    Your works enrich my life, causing me to question answers and look more d-e-e-p-l-y into the fabric of life, appreciating everything more.

    You create beauty.

    All good wishes,



    1. Really, really lovely to hear that Robert. For sure some of your comments have helped my journey immeasurably.

      And that is really all I wanted to do…to create beauty in even the smallest way.



  2. Wow, I’m impressed if not surprised. I’ve always personally enjoyed your work. And if you can keep a secret, it is rumored that I am up for most prolific poet with frozen fingers. I’m so excited.


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