Celebrating Courage


It is true
Dreams are not for the weak
You need courage to imagine
Persistence to hope
Self-respect to keep walking 
Dreams are fragile


Today I have the pleasure to celebrate courage. The courage of my dear friend Kanwal who has shown a whole lot of us how to tackle life when it deals us an unexpected blow. While befriending cancer she has shown hope, she is persistent, dignified and has the guts to dream even though they may be fragile. I also know that it is difficult to go through trials on our own and it would be an injustice if I didn’t mention the almost unbelievable patience, love and support her husband has given her.

All my love for great health and happiness ….

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10 thoughts on “Celebrating Courage

  1. Dear Sonya,

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

    It is amazing how persons who are challenged with cancer (and other life-threatening issues) have hope, and keep hope.

    May Kanwal be well.

    All good wishes,



  2. I am touched by your profoundly beautiful words and thoughts. You and your lovely daughters have been a pillar of support and love from the onset of this journey. It has given me all the strength and forbearance to dare to keep dreaming however fragile. Bless🙏


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