Imprisoned Descendants

“Lunatic” they named the line
Yet it had infinitely more sense
Than their descendants
Who remain imprisoned
By their “sanity


Inspired by this tweet

Lunatic Line reference:

When I remember Kenya, I will think of trains. Not because I saw so many of them and not because I travelled in one. But the Kenya the world knows today would not exist except for a rail line that, during its design and construction, was considered such a bad idea it was dubbed the Lunatic Line.

Maybe it was crazy and maybe it was not.

~ A Train Called the Lunatic Express

Read more about the Lunatic Line and the mythical figure Seyyid Baghali in
The Mystic of Mackinnon Road which I am delighted to note is my most popular post to date.
[It was very difficult to write, happy that I made the effort]

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