Clouds, a Collision

Inner Engineering

During the first week of November 2016, I received as a gift* an opportunity to attend the Inner Engineering program by the Isha Foundation. Though I was (and am) an avid listener of Sadhguru’s talks (many of you will be familiar with my poems inspired by Sadhguru), admittedly I went not expecting much. Curiosity and a chance to accompany a dear friend made me consider going to the program.

6 months later, I have been regular with the daily Shambhavi Mahamudra practise which in itself is a great achievement. Many people ask me what changes I have noticed. I will just say two things:
– Read this poem
– Just do the practise regularly,  don’t focus on any result

I am going to share a little something here… Normally I meditate on my tiny balcony where I have bird houses to feed the passing birds. These birds don’t seem afraid to come near me in fact, during one session a bird ruffled my hair with its wings. And another time also during my Shambhavi a little bird sat on my shoulder! Though I was absolutely still, hardly daring to breathe, inside I was trembling. I will never forget those few seconds when I felt the tiny claws and its wings so close to my ear.

Going back to the Inner Engineering program, on the final day I had such a tremendous experience but when our teacher asked for my comments, I could not find the words to describe what I felt. That night around 3:30 a.m. I woke up and without effort, a poem came to my mind. This best describes what I experienced in the course.

Clouds, a Collision

When millions of dewdrops gather
To form gentle clouds seemingly innocent, impotent
Until they collide
And though the thunderous clap proclaims its power
An unseen hand extracts the flash of light
To fuse it into my being
So that I could see
If only for a moment
That nothing is real
Only nothing is real


I was not expecting anything, but I received more
I received nothing

The Inner Engineering program is a science and technology for inner well-being, I highly recommend it. Here is a short intro about What is Inner Engineering.


* P.S. Thank you for this beautiful gift (you know who you are)

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9 thoughts on “Clouds, a Collision

  1. Amazing insights and experience, such words can only come from a moment of connectedness and stillness. Such a rare moment can only produce such a piece of writing and allow the connection you described with nature.

    As having just moved away from the city and close to nature I can understand and now appreciate what you speak of.

    Be blessed
    A spiritual being having a human experience…


  2. Dear Sonya,

    The Inner Engineering program sounds amazing!

    The poem appears to be a gift of your work, as well as a manifestation of grace.

    All good wishes,



    1. Hi Ranu,

      Thank you. I am happily proud of the discipline I have maintained.

      Yes, meditation is said to be good for health. In addition, there are so many beautiful “side effects” that we should all make some time to just be in silence.


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