Edge of Nothing

at the edge of nothing and beyond nothing
i found even more nothing
it is this nothing that holds the stars in their places
the same nothing that is between each cell in my body

that space where nothing exists where nothing is extinguished
that space of uncreating creation that space of indestructibility

the nothing that is in the span between sound and silence
that which is in the pause between the answer and another question

the space slightly above my skin
and that slightly below my skin
filled with the power of zero
expanding in opposite directions
to two different worlds
voids that feel familiar

the space between each eyelash
where dreams are trapped
and they mingle with tears
and it is in that space within the teardrop that i am
each time i cried that you made me feel like nothing
i now thank you immensely
from the space that you created
in each crevice of my broken heart
….more nothing for me
for nothing is real
only nothing is real


I wrote this poem in February this year inspired by the most majestic sunrise I was fortunate to witness. See the photos and you will understand why it was so inspirational. It was just by chance that I noticed the sunrise, through a slight opening in my curtains just as I was going back to sleep. The poem was also an experience of my meditation.



2741 2745
2747 2749

(I am not sure why I took so long to post this)

15 thoughts on “Edge of Nothing

  1. Your words and the images they carry resonate for me.
    “the nothing that is in the span between sound and silence
    that which is in the pause between the answer and another question”
    The invitation to explore and be with this space. The vastness of it.
    I like the visual addition of your photographs with their streak of light cutting across space.


  2. Absolutely stunning: the thoughts, the words, the phrasing. Beautiful work. Thanks for sharing the background and photos too.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”


  3. Sonya, I can’t decide which are better – your words or your photographs. Suffice to say, both have an incredibly mesmerising feel about them. You’ve got a fine way with these things!


  4. nothing is real, only nothing is real. wonderful
    it is like: Nothing is greater than God. But NOTHING IS greater than God?
    and the climax!
    each time i cried that you made me feel like nothing
    i now thank you immensely
    from the space that you created


  5. Dear Sonya,

    What a great poem!

    Nothing. There is so much of it. “Things” seemingly manifest in her. The things capture our attention, and yet this nothingness is a spaciousness that seems to birth things.

    All good wishes,



I would love to have your thoughts