unheard sounds

what unheard sounds are trapped
within a bubble
as she defies gravity
reflecting the rays, a proud
prism draws attention

and when the film that lent her form
leaves her, inevitably
the bubble dissolves into
soundless tears

life is short
to the unheard sounds around us
misunderstandings captivate, dividing
the mind with colourful imagination
accusations, counter-accusations
we hear only what we want to hear, while
the pendant of life
hangs on a thread

14 thoughts on “unheard sounds

  1. Dear Sonya,

    What a powerful poem this is!

    What depth of life could be opened if we listened more. Really listen. Quietly, remembering our common source and brief flash of life.

    Thank you for this.

    All good wishes,



    1. I would agree that it is a powerful poem. Actually I had intentions of writing about something entirely different when I started off. Then it was like the poem took over the last verse and wrote by itself. If you might notice, it looks like 2 separate poems.


      1. Sonya,

        I’ve heard it said that stories (and poems) are living, not unlike other life. It seems one wished to be manifest herself through you :).

        All good wishes,



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